
Beijing haze detection of hazardous organic compounds

Chinese Academy of Sciences recently announced the latest findings of a special group of hospital atmospheric haze the chase due with control, strong haze event is caused by abnormal weather situation in the eastern part of the atmospheric stability, man-made pollution emissions, dust, and rich The result of the role of water vapor, a common role in the event of natural and anthropogenic factors. Pollutants in the case of water vapor haze event occurs

Human pollutant emissions caused by fog and haze internal factors, it can be said is the "mastermind". Special group of members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences researcher at the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth CHEN Liang said, the soluble components of the air pollutants encountered the dust minerals condensation nuclei quickly wrapped the formation of mixed particles, and then experience larger relative air humidity absorbent growth will soon occur, the particle size increased from 2 to 3 times, 8-fold to 9-fold increase in the extinction coefficient, that is, visibility down to one eighth of the original nine one. More simply, the originally smaller particles in the air of pollutants encountered water vapor into people visible particles occur immediately haze events.

Monitoring data statistics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, Tianjin and 15 PM2.5 monitoring stations in Beijing, Tianjin and January 5 strong haze pollution occurred in January 6 to 8, 9 to 15, 17 to 19, 22 to 23, 25 to 31, 2009. 5 times and ultimately, CHEN Liang said water vapor to do

Hazardous organic compounds detected in the haze

Special group of atmospheric haze traceable project leader, researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Yuesi say, the strong haze swept China in the eastern part of the chemical composition of pollutants, smoke event in London in 1952 and the last century's 40-50 Los Angeles photochemical smog pollutants mix and superimposed a the Chinese characteristics dust aerosol.

Especially worth mentioning is the Los Angeles photochemical smog, pollution incidents, a total of more than 800 people were killed. The U.S. government said later survey, oil volatiles (hydrocarbons) and nitrogen dioxide, ultraviolet radiation in strong sunlight, will produce a pungent organic compounds, the process is called photochemical reactions The product is highly toxic photochemical smog.

Special study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei fog and haze, the special group detected a large number of nitrogen-containing organic particles in Yuesi appears to be the most dangerous signal ", because this is the last century, one of the main component of photochemical smog in Los Angeles . "

Source parsing techniques, these nitrogenous organic particulate matter, including organic identified four categories of organic components: the oxidation of organic particles, mainly from around Beijing; fumes type of organic matter, mainly from local cooking source emissions; nitrogen-rich set of organic matter, a chemical product; hydrocarbon organic particles, mainly from vehicle exhaust and coal. Oxidation of organic particles in the process of the entire pollution, the largest proportion, 44%, and the remaining three groups accounted for 21%, 17% and 18%, respectively.

The recommendations focus on control of industrial and coal-fired

Special group these factors attributed to the "direct consequence of the destruction of human extensive emissions and natural ecosystems. In the Beijing area, the largest source of the motor vehicle for the city of PM2.5, which is about 1/4; followed by coal and external conveyor, each 1/5. For the entire Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, special group should focus on control of industrial and coal-fired process, with emphasis on the combustion process of desulfurization, denitration and dust; while highly concerned about diesel emissions and oil quality.

